Friday, August 6, 2010


I've got no great excuse for not updating my blog! I ought to at least post a photo here and there.

Recently Walter and I became members of our neighborhood art space, Public Pool. The Quantum Field show is up with gallery hours on Saturday, 1-6 p.m.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

elephantine update

I haven't been lazy, I've been busy!

Our bande à part, nospectacle had a wonderful and fruitful time at MUTEK in Montreal. Click here to read all about it.

Click here for hundreds of Montreal photos!

I like to take pictures of our garden, my mom's garden, my aunt's garden and your garden, if you wish.

Click here for some photos of my mom's lovely day lilies.

I demanded that Walter take a series of photos of me. Click here for the result, which I call "yello."

We went out to 2739 Edwin to see a large ensemble performance of Fire by Night with James Cornish. I have some videos that I took with my iPhone 4, but they are all jerky and need to be stabilized before I upload them.

Click here to see a few shots of Fire by Night.

DEMF was kind of the jump start to all this action. Here are some photos:

DEMF Day 1
DEMF Day 2

Last but certainly not least, my friend Davin and I went for a bike ride just before DEMF. I got a bug in my eye and it turned out that my eye consumed the bug.

Here are the photos, downtown '10!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Detroit Photo Tour (inspiration for MUTEK)

Chris, Walter and I went around shooting film and video in preparation for our upcoming nospectacle performance at MUTEK in Montreal.

Here are the photos for viewing on your computer:

For your mobile phone, click HERE.


Checked out Popps Packing in Hamtramck for the first time last weekend. Great show!

Click here for viewing on your mobile phone.


Been gardening at me mum's a whole lot!

Click here for viewing on your mobile phone.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Saturn is in Uranus

My horrorscope for today:

"You might want to get off the emotional rollercoaster you have recently been riding, but that wouldn't be such a good idea now because it's finally about to get easier. You earned what's coming next because you held on through the ups and downs. Even if you miss the excitement of the adrenaline rush today, remember that your persistence and positive outlook will bring you what you want."

CLICK HERE to see the nothing something in particular photo set on your mobile phone


Photographic remnants of Nocturnal Transmissions at Public Pool for viewing on your mobile phone.

Monday, May 10, 2010


Say what you want about urban farming. I say YES.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

calling doctor, doctor detroit

Hey folks! I got a new 15" i5 Macbook Pro that I'm very happy with. It was time for an upgrade, given that nospectacle has a performance in Montreal in June at MUTEK. Been busy getting the live set prepared. Trying my hand at making my own sounds and we are supposed to shoot some HD video for our projections at the festival. I am so excited because I've never been to Montreal! This is a very highly regarded music festival and I am honoured (yes, the Canadian spelling) to be a part of it.

Keepin tabs on my friends at OCD: OmniCorpDetroit and trying to make time to get more involved! They are excellent resources for the community and encourage weird creativity. We need more of this in Detroit. It's nice to feel like you're part of a group of like-minded heads.

Walter and I joined a CSA in Detroit with our pals Sarah and Davin! It's called FAITH Farm. Yummy food so far. Can't wait for the peak of the season.

Been uploading a lot of stuff to Flickr: check out the photostream here. Thankfully I seem to be getting out of a funk. Biking, pushups, weight lifting, and dancing around in circles with my new friends Stella Ruby, Logan, Steve, Ann and of course Mira Jane at Public Pool on a regular basis! Super cool gallery in the former Design99 space.

Got a sleep study to try to rule out narcolepsy and still don't know the results so I've got that lingering over my head.

One last thing, anyone excellent in basic algebra want to give me a refresher so I can pass this math competency test and get my long-awaited BFA from Wayne State so I can get on with grad school? E-mail me or comment! Thanks.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

iPad Blues

I swear I'm going to blog more once I have an iPad. Still waffling on whether or not I want/need 3G.

Walter and I toured 71 Garfield again and are getting ready for the opening:

Our nospectacle performance from Movement 2008 has been archived: have a listen here.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

MetroTimes Blowout

I have been attending the MetroTimes Blowout since I was a wee (underage) lass. In fact, one of my former bands, The Anarchestra, played at Motor one year. I remember bringing a vintage drum machine, hand percussion, the spring reverb guitar amp my Grandpa gave me and some sheets of plastic that made springy, thunderous noises.

This is year number 13 for the Blowout. It would be nice if someone could coordinate some other fest-style events in Hamtramck, but during the summer so that it would be ideal weather for biking from venue to venue. I'd like to see more events during the day. I'm talking an all ages event at a coffeehouse (artists giving lessons or workshops for the younger generations) or ambient noise brunch where you might chill and read a book...anyway.

We went out last night to see a few bands at Painted Lady, Baker Streetcar and Gates of Columbus Hall. I wasn't terribly thrilled with the lineup (I'm getting old and jaded) but I saw two bands that I really liked. Bloodbird and Black Lodge, I'm talking to you. You made me dance.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My mechanical heart, how it tears me apart

So it's February and I've thus far completed or attempted some New Year's Resolutions:

1. 100+ pushups √
2. Read more (started reading more, added a GoodReads widget on the right)
3. Took the lousy math exam and failed by 2 lousy points.
4. Rode my BMX on ramps, half and quarter pipes. Can almost do a manual.
5. Been working on some mixed media collage things that will be shown sometime in March. Check here for further details.

I found a 6 pack of 35mm film while digging through some old memories. I also have some medium format film laying around collecting dust, as well as my Mamiya 645E which has been used approximately 3 times.

6. I am going to try a new process where I make sounds and art simultaneously and see what the results are. I would like to produce some sounds and get them heard round the world.

7. My diet and sleep schedule have both been really wonky due to ongoing tinnitus and TMJ. I'm forcing myself to eat breakfast as of today and I will go to the Ear, Nose and Throat doctor to get my ailments assessed.

After reading this manifesto posted by my pal Mike Burnlab, I've decided that this hypercommunication has got to stop. Unlinked my YouTube account from Twitter. Unlinking autofeeds from my @trebly Twitter (private account) altogether. @jennpaull is more for music and art and is a public feed so I don't mind sharing my top weekly artists from

I don't mind having the widgets on my blog because at least they aren't invasive. If you're visiting my blog, you're probably interested in what I have to share.

What I need to do is revamp my website so that people can go to each of my "social networks" or what have you without having to be bombarded by duplicate posts if they are following me on more than one service. The purpose of my website should be to showcase my artwork and to direct people to my items of interest.

:: I'm watching you... whatchoo gonna do? ::

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Cyberoptix TieLab 2010 show

Here are some shots from Bethany Shorb's opening at 323 East. She makes rad ties, scarves and even BOW TIES. Plus I think it's cool to repurpose airbags.